Booking Information

Booking a Tour

You can book a tour by -
phoning 0800 11 6060 or 09 414 4488.


A deposit is required to confirm your booking. Once a deposit is paid, we will send you a receipt and a short form to complete and sign with our terms and conditions and details of the balance of payment. We strongly advise travel insurance, as this may provide deposit protection if you need to cancel.

All of your documentation including home pick-up details will be sent to you approximately 14 days prior to departure, by courier.

Deposits vary by tour, please see the table below.

Terms - for bookings from 2 August 2024, for tours departing from 01 January 2025.

(Please refer to your tour documents for full terms and conditions for all tours).

Important: For all tours - if you need to cancel, and it is prior to full payment, your deposit, less any applicable supplier fees, can be transferred towards another tour purchase at the time of cancellation. An additional $100 per person administration fee is also payable.

Deposit amount per person
New Zealand/Australia/Pacific
International Long-Haul/Adelaide Rail & River/Great Ocean Road & Murray River Cruise
Australian Rail Tours/Calgary Stampede
Cruise Tours  
$1,000 to $3,000

Booking a Tour

The deposit can be paid by either;

  • Credit Card: Visa, Mastercard, Amex) and there is no card surcharge payable for deposit payments.
  • Or Bank transfer:

BANK ACCOUNT NAME (payee box): Total Travel Limited TA Fuzion Travel
(or as many letters that your bank allows).
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: ASB 12-3237-0066853-52
(Note new suffix for bank account from March 2024)
Please use your name as a reference.

Balance of Payment

The due date for the balance of payment varies by tour. Please use the table below as a guide and check your documents for the balance payment due date for your tour.

In the case of a tour booked last minute (within 45 days of departure), the full tour fare is payable immediately.

The balance of payment can be made by either Credit Card or bank transfer. Please note that there is a card surcharge payable for balance payments of 2.5% for Mastercard/Visa and 3% for Amex. See bank details above.

Approximate Balance Payment Date                              

Tour                                                                           Days Prior to Departure

New Zealand/Australia/Pacific Tours                                  60 days

International Long-Haul/Adelaide Rail/River Tours/        90 days

Australian Rail Tours/Calgary Stampede                                                 

Cruise Tours                                                                                120 days

Payment dates may vary slightly due to holiday periods. Please refer to your tour documents.

Upcoming Tours

Need Assistance?

Office hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. An answer phone takes care of calls after hours and during the weekends.
Phone Toll Free
0800 11 60 60
Phone Within Auckland
09 414 4488